The popular encrypted messaging platform Telegram has updated its terms of service departing from its previous stance on user data protection. Telegram will now share users' phone numbers and IP addresses with law enforcement agencies, but only under certain conditions.
The update, outlined in a new privacy policy revealed on Monday, clarifies that Telegram will comply with legal requests when users are found to be in violation of the platform's rules. Specifically, the company will respond to valid court orders confirming that a user is a suspect in a criminal case that breaches Telegram’s Terms of Service.
“To further deter criminals from abusing Telegram Search, we have updated our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, ensuring they are consistent across the world. We’ve made it clear that the IP addresses and phone numbers of those who violate our rules can be disclosed to relevant authorities in response to valid legal requests,” Telegram’s CEO Pavel Durov said in a post.
Telegram’s previous policy only permitted sharing sensitive user data in cases involving terrorism-related investigations. Durov stressed that the platform would continue to prioritize user privacy and only comply with requests under strict legal scrutiny.
Durov has also announced improvements to Telegram’s search feature, which has faced criticism for being exploited to promote and sell illegal goods, such as drugs and counterfeit products. According to Durov, a dedicated team has been actively working over the past few weeks to remove problematic content from search results, aiming to curb abuse and ensure a safer user experience.
The development comes after Telegram's CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France and later released on bail amid investigations into the app's role in facilitating child pornography, drug trafficking, and fraud.
Last week, Ukraine officially banned the use of the Telegram messaging app by government officials, military personnel, and critical infrastructure workers due to concerns about the platform's potential exploitation by Russia for intelligence and cyberattacks.