Actionable & Personalized Vulnerability Intelligence

Cybersecurity Help offers personalized and actionable vulnerability intelligence services. We maintain our own vulnerability database, collect and analyze data from multiple sources and issue timely and relevant alerts regarding vulnerabilities in software that you use.

  • Threat Monitor
  • Automated analysis
  • Real-time threat detection
  • 24/7 monitoring of media and social networks

What is vulnerability intelligence?

Knowledge of security vulnerabilities, their tracking, analyzing, and mitigation is called vulnerability intelligence. This information comes from various sources, such as security researchers, software vendors or just enthusiasts.

In 2017 we analyzed more than 20 000 security vulnerabilities, reported by different sources. On average, this means around 55 vulnerabilities per day. It’s impossible to go through such volume of data unless you have your own team of security analysts.

Tailored subscription options allow you to choose the type of alerts and notifications you receive and the software you wish to track.

Reports regarding vulnerabilities and patches are available in the following formats:

  • HTML through customer portal
  • PDF
  • XML
  • E-mail
  • SMS

Other data feed formats are available to suit your needs.

Request a demo and get trial access to SaaS Vulnerability Intelligence interface.
