#VU309 Format string error in Dropbear

Published: 2016-08-13

Vulnerability identifier: #VU309

Vulnerability risk: Low

CVSSv3.1: 6.8 [CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H/E:U/RL:O/RC:C]



Exploitation vector: Local

Exploit availability: No

Vulnerable software:
Server applications / Remote management servers, RDP, SSH

Vendor: Matt Johnston


The vulnerability allows a remote authenticated attacker to execute arbitrary code on the target system.

The vulnerability exists due to a format string error when handling usernames, containing format string characters (e.g. %) in getpwnam() function. A remote attacker with the ability to manipulate his username can execute arbitrary code on the target system.

Successful exploitation may allow an attacker to gain complete control over the vulnerable system.

Update to the latest version 2016.74.

Vulnerable software versions

Dropbear: 2013.56 - 2016.73

External links

Q & A

Can this vulnerability be exploited remotely?

No. This vulnerability can be exploited locally. The attacker should have authentication credentials and successfully authenticate on the system.

Is there known malware, which exploits this vulnerability?

No. We are not aware of malware exploiting this vulnerability.

Latest bulletins with this vulnerability