#VU7226 SQL injection in Ultimate Product Catalogue

Published: 2017-06-28

Vulnerability identifier: #VU7226

Vulnerability risk: Low

CVSSv3.1: 6.4 [CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:L/A:L/E:U/RL:O/RC:C]



Exploitation vector: Network

Exploit availability: No

Vulnerable software:
Ultimate Product Catalogue
Client/Desktop applications / Virtualization software

Vendor: Etoile Web Design

The vulnerability allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary SQL commands in database.

The vulnerability exists due to insufficient sanitization of user-supplied data. A remote attacker can send specially crafted HTTP POST request and execute arbitrary SQL commands in web application database.

Successful exploitation of the vulnerability may allow an attacker to gain complete control over vulnerable website.

Install update from vendor's website.

Vulnerable software versions

Ultimate Product Catalogue: 4.2.2

External links

Q & A

Can this vulnerability be exploited remotely?

Yes. This vulnerability can be exploited by a remote non-authenticated attacker via the Internet.

Is there known malware, which exploits this vulnerability?

No. We are not aware of malware exploiting this vulnerability.

Latest bulletins with this vulnerability