Gentoo update for X.Org Server

Published: 2017-10-29 | Updated: 2017-10-29
Risk Medium
Patch available YES
Number of vulnerabilities 4
CVE-ID CVE-2013-6424
Exploitation vector Network
Public exploit N/A
Vulnerable software
Gentoo Linux
Operating systems & Components / Operating system

Vendor Gentoo

Security Bulletin

This security bulletin contains information about 4 vulnerabilities.

1) Input validation error

EUVDB-ID: #VU33856

Risk: Medium

CVSSv3.1: 4.6 [CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L/E:U/RL:O/RC:C]

CVE-ID: CVE-2013-6424

CWE-ID: CWE-20 - Improper input validation

Exploit availability: No


The vulnerability allows a remote non-authenticated attacker to perform service disruption.

Integer underflow in the xTrapezoidValid macro in render/picture.h in X.Org allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) via a negative bottom value.


Update the affected packages.
x11-base/xorg-server to version: 1.19.4

Vulnerable software versions

Gentoo Linux: All versions

External links

Q & A

Can this vulnerability be exploited remotely?

Yes. This vulnerability can be exploited by a remote non-authenticated attacker via the Internet.

Is there known malware, which exploits this vulnerability?

No. We are not aware of malware exploiting this vulnerability.

2) Improper Privilege Management

EUVDB-ID: #VU33522

Risk: Low

CVSSv3.1: 4.1 [CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H/E:U/RL:O/RC:C]

CVE-ID: CVE-2017-13721

CWE-ID: CWE-269 - Improper Privilege Management

Exploit availability: No


The vulnerability allows a local authenticated user to perform a denial of service (DoS) attack.

In X.Org Server (aka xserver and xorg-server) before 1.19.4, an attacker authenticated to an X server with the X shared memory extension enabled can cause aborts of the X server or replace shared memory segments of other X clients in the same session.


Update the affected packages.
x11-base/xorg-server to version: 1.19.4

Vulnerable software versions

Gentoo Linux: All versions

External links

Q & A

Can this vulnerability be exploited remotely?

No. This vulnerability can be exploited locally. The attacker should have authentication credentials and successfully authenticate on the system.

Is there known malware, which exploits this vulnerability?

No. We are not aware of malware exploiting this vulnerability.

3) Buffer overflow

EUVDB-ID: #VU33523

Risk: Low

CVSSv3.1: 6.8 [CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H/E:U/RL:O/RC:C]

CVE-ID: CVE-2017-13723

CWE-ID: CWE-119 - Memory corruption

Exploit availability: No


The vulnerability allows a local authenticated user to execute arbitrary code.

In X.Org Server (aka xserver and xorg-server) before 1.19.4, a local attacker authenticated to the X server could overflow a global buffer, causing crashes of the X server or potentially other problems by injecting large or malformed XKB related atoms and accessing them via xkbcomp.


Update the affected packages.
x11-base/xorg-server to version: 1.19.4

Vulnerable software versions

Gentoo Linux: All versions

External links

Q & A

Can this vulnerability be exploited remotely?

No. This vulnerability can be exploited locally. The attacker should have authentication credentials and successfully authenticate on the system.

Is there known malware, which exploits this vulnerability?

No. We are not aware of malware exploiting this vulnerability.

4) Information disclosure

EUVDB-ID: #VU36813

Risk: Low

CVSSv3.1: 6.1 [CVSS:3.1/AV:L/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H/E:U/RL:O/RC:C]

CVE-ID: CVE-2017-2624

CWE-ID: CWE-200 - Information exposure

Exploit availability: No


The vulnerability allows a local authenticated user to execute arbitrary code.

It was found that xorg-x11-server before 1.19.0 including uses memcmp() to check the received MIT cookie against a series of valid cookies. If the cookie is correct, it is allowed to attach to the Xorg session. Since most memcmp() implementations return after an invalid byte is seen, this causes a time difference between a valid and invalid byte, which could allow an efficient brute force attack.


Update the affected packages.
x11-base/xorg-server to version: 1.19.4

Vulnerable software versions

Gentoo Linux: All versions

External links

Q & A

Can this vulnerability be exploited remotely?

No. This vulnerability can be exploited locally. The attacker should have authentication credentials and successfully authenticate on the system.

Is there known malware, which exploits this vulnerability?

No. We are not aware of malware exploiting this vulnerability.